Don’t wait until you’re further along to experience ease with money.

Repattern your money now so you can 
create the future you want.

Rest more. Prove less.

Trust yourself to provide for what matters.


  • Untunnel Your Vision GROUP WORKSHOP

    Alleviate money stress, see your situation in a new light, and access solutions you hadn’t thought of.

  • Make Your Money Move STRATEGY SESSION

    Figure out your first step towards what you’ve been wanting to do with your money or your career.

  • Repattern Your Money System 4-MONTH COACHING

    Feel more at ease with money now and set yourself up for long-term stability according to your values.

Meet your money coach.

I coach folks who’ve historically been excluded from having money — on a personal and systemic level — who’ve chosen doing what they love over a predictable career, and want to stop being at the mercy of money stress. 

I help you get to the roots of money patterns so you can break cycles of overworking, underearning, or overspending with ease, and create lasting stability.

My Money Repatterning Method draws on extensive training and practice in somatics, mindfulness, and the science of how trauma impacts the brain and body, as well as an uncomplicated, flexible approach to personal finance.

I bring it all together, because ease with money is not just about having the right tools, thoughts, or numbers in the bank. It’s about the whole embodied human experience. The emotional and the practical.

Ease is not an external condition. 

You have to create it from within first. 

JOIN MY MAILING LIST to make sure:

  • You get the invite to future workshops

  • You remember to pause, look beneath the surface, and be deliberate in how you use your time and money